Simultaneous equation models Assignment Help

Assignment Help:>>规范问题- 同时方程模型


到目前为止,我们学习计量经济学模型的助教lk about single equation regression models where a dependent variable is related to a set of independent or explanatory variables. In all these regression models, y is the 'dependent' or 'explained' variable arid x1,,,,x2,....是“独立”或“解释性”变量。因此,y取决于x,但反向不正确。但是,在现实生活中,我们通常会发现彼此依赖的变量。在这种关系中,可以通过考虑关系中的同时性来确定变量的平衡值。


Thus estimation of a single equation between aggregate consumption and disposable income will not provide us with consistent and unbiased estimators.

Unlike the single equation model, in simultaneous equation ilodels we get more than one dependent, or endogenous variables. This endogenes variable may appear in one equation as endogenous and as exogenous in another equation of tne system. Due to presence of the endogenous variables as explanatory variable in some of the equations it becomes correlated with the disturbance term of the equatioh in which it appears as the explanatory variable.

单程和同时方程模型之间的差异 内源和外源变量
Keynesian model of Income Determination Macroeconomic Model
Recursive system 同时方程偏见
解决同时方程偏置的解决方案 结构形式和简化形式
Wage-price Model

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