Human Resource Management Assignment Help

Assignment Help:>>Principles And Practices Of Management- 人力资源管理

The Human Factor In Enterprises


1. Individuals assume different roles


2. There is no average person

People act in different roles but they are also different themselves. There is no average person but yet in organizations rules, procedures, work schedules, safety standards and position descriptions, are made with an implicit assumption that people are alike. But individuals are unique, they have different needs, ambitions, skills, abilities, attitudes, aspirations, knowledge and capabilities. Managers must recognise the complexity and individuality of people in order to be able to manage them either through the process of staffing, leading or even motivating.

3. Personal dignity is important

Although managing involves achieving enterprise objectives, the means used must never violate the dignity of people. People must be treated with respect no matter what their position is in the organization.

4. The whole person must be considered

In talking about the nature of people the whole person must be considered, and not separate characteristics such as knowledge, attitudes or skills because each person has them but to different degrees. The human being is a total person influenced by external factors e.g. family, friends, peers, church, politics, etc. The effects of these factors cannot be divorced from the individual at the work place and therefore managers must recognise these factors and prepare to deal with them.

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