
beplay体育怎么安装分配帮助:>>Java编程>>JDBC-Java Database Connectivity, JDBC Drivers and DEsign Pattern

Java Database Connectivity

JDBC(称为Java数据库连接)是Sun Microsystems,Inc。的基于Java的数据访问技术。它是Java编程语言的API,描述了客户端如何访问数据库。它提供了在数据库中更新和查询数据的机制。JDBC针对关系数据库定向。JDBC-ODBC桥允许与JVM主机环境中的任何ODBC访问数据源连接。

The JDBC classes are comprised in the Java package java.sql and javax.sql. JDBC permits multiple implementations to be used by the same application. The API renders a method for dynamically importing the correct Java packages and registers them with the JDBC Driver Manager. The Driver Manager is utilized as a connection factory for creating JDBC connections.

JDBC连接支持的创建和执行statements. These can be update statements such as SQL's, INSERT, CREATE, DELETE and UPDATE or they can be query statements for example, SELECT. In addition, stored procedures may be called down through a JDBC connection. JDBC interprets statements using one of the following classes:


The statement is sent to the database server every time.


they are employed for executing stored procedures on the database.

For example, in Update statements: UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT return an update count that shows number of rows were involved in the database. These statements do not give any other information.

Whereas Query statements returns a JDBC row result set. The row result set is utilized to move over the result set. Separate columns in a row are retrieved either by column number or name. There can be n number of rows in the result set. The row result set has metadata that shows the names of the columns and their types.

Javax.sql中的主要JDBC API有一个扩展。JDBC连接通常是通过连接池来处理的,而不是直接从驾驶员接收。

SQL Language


In an original manner, based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus. its scope includes query, delete, update, data insert, modification, schema creation and data access control.

SQL is often described as a declarativelanguage, which includes procedural elements. SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 and of the International Organization for Standards in 1987.

The SQL language is categorized into several language elements which are as following:


Expressions: They can produce either scalar values or tables comprising of columns and rows of data.


Queries: They retrieve the data based on specific standards. They are the most important element of SQL.





Type 1: It calls native code of the locally available ODBC driver.

Type 2: It calls database vendor native library on a client side. This code then communicates to database over network.

Type 3: The pure-java driver communicates with the server-side middleware that then communicates to database.

Type 4: The pure-java driver that utilizes database native protocol.

There is a driver embedded with JRE in Java-enabled SQL databases known as internal JDBC driver, used for Java stored procedure. The Java Database Connectivity API is the industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java programming language and a wide set of databases. It allows a call-level API for SQL-based database access.



Design patterns lie in the domain of interconnections and modules. At a higher level there are architectural designs that are bigger in scope, usually define an overall pattern followed by an entire system. There are numerous design patterns, such as:

Algorithm scheme patterns dealing concerns related to high-level strategies defining how to use application features on a computing platform.

Computational design patterns dealing concerns in relation to identification of key computation.

Execution patterns that deal with concerns related to supporting application execution, including strategies in executing streams of building blocks to support task synchronization.

Implementation strategy patterns that deal with concerns related to enforcing source code to support

Program organization and the usual+ data structures particular to parallel programming.



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