Autoregressive and distributed lag models Assignment Help

beplay体育怎么安装分配帮助:>>Specification Issues- Autoregressive and distributed lag models


There are many situations in which economic agents, such as consumers or producers, respond to changes in the economic environment with a time lag. The main causes of the delayed responses are the time lags in the transmission and reception of information, although the high cost of speedy adjustment can also be a factor, as can institutional constraints.


To accurately model these delays we need to incorporate lagged values of the independent and dependent variables in our model structure. Some of these models, besides being empirically accurate, can be justified theoretically as well. Simple distributed lag models, with no lagged,dependent variables may be estimated using, ordinary least squares techniques. However, dynamic models require more complicated. estimation techniques, such as instrumelital variables or iterative, non- linear least squares.

Inference in these models is straight forward and proceeds as in any standard multiple regression model.

Economic theory and models with lags 估计和推理
Models with lags
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