Alternative theories of firm Assignment Help

Assignment Help:>>价格和产出确定- Alternative theories of firm

Alternative theories of firm:

Traditionally decision-making by firms is analysed at the equality of marginal cost (MC) and the marginal revenue (MR). Such a condition satisfies their profit maximisation objective. However, the MR = MC principle has been attacked on various ground. One of them being that the firm to be able to do this must know its cost and demand curves with certainty, which is quite difficult. Secondly, this principle is a fall-out of profit maximising objective of a firm. But then as many economists have pointed out and which has enjoyed a fair degree of empirical support, firms do not generally opt for profit maximisation. They have a multitude of goals and profit maximisation is just one of them.


Bains limit pricing model Baumols sales revenue maximisation
企业的行为模型 Behavioural theories
Game theoretic models Sylos-Labini的模型

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