Patterns over time in Groups Assignment Help

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Patterns Over Time

In the 1960s, a five-phase model of how group urbanized over time become accepted. In this model, the first period is形成,a time of uncertainty and examination into group purpose, behavior, and arrangement; then comes anattack阶段,关于领导,角色和任务的大量冲突。从这个阶段,小组进入形成阶段,当亲密关系扩大并群体凝聚力增加时。第四阶段是表演:现在,该小组可以从事手头的业务并开始产生产出。最后阶段,adjourning,occurs when the instant task is finish and before the next scheme is conventional, or in "wrapping up" a temporary group.

While this model is intuitively appealing, there is little evidence to show it is what really done in groups. Its main usefulness is in reminding managers that conflict is a necessary part of the development of groups: A group with no disagreement is unlikely to create high-superiority work.

最近的工作遵循了团体工作的生活,并导致了punctuate balancemodel of collection development. This model suggest that, once shaped, groups reconcile into norms and behaviors

非常快速,在这些方法中持续一段时间。大约在该项目的一半,该小组将体验“中点”的转换,其成员可能会重新考虑其化妆,规范和流程。从那时起,新的模式一直在等待该项目完成。该模型的含义是,如果您想干预小组的动态或工作过程,那么您就有两个机会 - 在开始时和平庸。董事可以通过施加截止日期并索取里程碑信息和输出来产生中积。

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