
beplay体育怎么安装分配帮助:>>管理- Finance


Understanding commercial finance is not simply important to the winning procedure of any production, but this key is to understanding the particulars of how a firm's planning have been prioritized and how its managers have used their available option to achieve any specific target. This is important information for you as an investor, as a possible member of staff, or as a contestant. For a manager within any firm, understanding corporate finance earnings understanding your financial options and boundaries, as well as possessing a holistic considerate of the consequence some financial decisions can have on your firm's value. Current years have been overflowing with great complexity of change and movement within the corporate finance realm: the internet boom's high valuation and initial public contributions, financial derivatives, restructurings, and bankruptcies.

First, as an overview, let us look widely at the field of finance. This field consists of three consistent fields:

1.金钱和资本市场:货币市场是the markets for debt privacies that must be repaid within one year.Capital markets are偿还债务私有化的市场,这些债务销售额超过一年,股票股票。Equity sharescan be one of two types:preferred stock或者common supply.普通供应代表公司的所有权;在支付所有其他资本索赔人之后,允许普通股东获得公司收入或资产的分配。理想的股票是一种股票,其持有人在支付股息时优先于普通股东。但是,通常,要向选定的股东支付付款是固定的。

2. Investments:Investmentsspotlight on the decisions of personality and institutional investors as they choose securities for their portfolios. Successful investing requires an analysis of the impending risks and rewards of personality securities, and the aptitude to combine securities profitably in a portfolio. Most institutions and individuals will hire investment professionals to supply data and inform them in their investment decisions. Well-known examples of investment brokers comprise Merrill Lynch and Charles Schwab.

3. Financial management:财务管理描述了一家公司在筹集资金,投资和组织现金流入和流出的规定中的真实管理。在大多数公司中,该职位得到了首席财务官的批准,并取决于公司的大小,完整的财务分析师部门。

我们恰城对妇女实施l point here on financial managers because their decisions in a straight line pressure the value of their firms. They seek to in- crease their firm's value by making clever decisions in three important fields. First, financial managers select which long-term speculation projects the firm should undertake; this is referred to as thecapital budgeting decision.Second, they elevate the money required to finance investment projects; this is referred to as thefinancing decision.Third, they determine how the firm's cash location and other short-term financial relationships should be managed; these are preferred to as thenet working capitalcash management decisions.Because finance gives quantified standards for the in commission policies and business strategies of a firm at any particular point in time, it also is often used as a purpose means for assessing the achievement or failure of past decisions.

Balance Sheet Model Capital Structure
Economic Value Added Economic Value Added as Managerial Incentive
Financial Goals Financial Management
管理Decisions and Shareholder Value Market Value Added
Maximize Share Price 衡量股东价值
Role of Financial Manager
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