Traditional theories of business cycles Assignment Help

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Traditional theories of business cycles:


A stylised fact is that both a long and a short cycle in aggregate output can be discerned for both the prewar and the postwar period. The long cycle, of a length of six to nine years, is most pronounced for the structure of fixed investment. The short cycle, of a duration of three to four years, dominates the cyclical structure of inventory investment. The relative strength of these cycles is explained by the speed with which the associated capital stock can be adjusted. The speed is naturally greatest for inventories, intermediate for equipment and machinery, and the longest for building and structures. The term business cycle here is taken to mean the irregular periodic movement brought about by a first-order difference or differential equation.

The traditional approach to business cycles by and large emphasized real factors. Few and far between were the classical economists who satisfactorily (even to themselves!) integrated monetary and financial factors into their study of the rhythmic waves of activity that characterised capitalist economies. Thus, we record below three important moments in the evolution of thought on business cycles associated with landmarks in the subject. First is the seminal contributions of Richard Goodwin who pioneered the tools and techniques of dynamic economic analysis. Modern work in complex economic dynamics can be traced back to one or other of his papers. His models were cast entirely in real terms. Secondly, springing from the same Marxian stock, although developing his trade cycle by first grounding his framework in the monopoly capitalism of his time, is the theory of Michal
卡莱克。我们应该注意,波兰经济学家数学统计学家Kelecki是现代宏观经济学的创始元勋之一。因此,他的长期动态从他的短期动态遵循。基本包含的货币要素可以在中央银行的容纳立场上找到,这是商人投资计划提供的任何潜在客户。最后,在海曼·明斯基(Hyman Minsky)的工作中,资本主义经济是经济上层层的实体,容易在连接的财务和实际活动中波动。该清单绝不是详尽无遗的。例如,一组非RBC的业务波动方法是密集的。例如,丹尼斯·罗伯逊(Dennis Robertson)强调了循环的起源和传播中的货币因素。

Another illustrious member of that tradition was Ralph Hawtrey who underscored the importance of bank credit which is indispensable for carrying inventories. Reductions in interest rates induce businessmen to carry larger inventories. Greater orders, in their turn, encourage increased investment and, with a lag, investment in fixed capital.

Hyman Minsky Michal Kalecki
Richard Goodwin
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