
beplay体育怎么安装分配帮助:>>Accounting- 基于活动的成本流程

Role for Activity-BasedCost (ABC)Processes

Activity-based costing(or ABC, as it is regularly called), championed by Professor John Shank of the Tuck School of industry, is now organism introduced in many developed and service organizations to overcome the incapability of conventional cost processes to precisely assign overhead costs. According to Professor Shank, organization has spent years and millions of dollars trying to enlarge accounting systems that nevertheless have incorrectly dispersed costs, particularly indirect and fixed costs. With many manufacturing organization now having overhead costs 5 or 10 times as great as their direct manual labor costs, managerial accounting processes that allocate overhead based on straight labor may lead to large distortions in the costs assign to an organization's goods and clientele.


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