


光学是重要分支之一物理涉及光的行为和特性,包括其与物质的相互作用以及使用或检测其​​的仪器的构建。可见,紫外线和红外光的行为通常在光学中描述。众所周知,光是EM(电磁)波,因此其他形式的电磁辐射(如X射线,无线电波和微波炉)也具有相似的特性。在大多数光学现象中,您将使用光的经典电磁描述。但是,实际上,通常难以应用光的完整电磁描述。因此,在实用的光学中使用了简化模型。物理光学元件是光的更全面模型,包括波浪效应,例如干扰和衍射,在几何光学元件中无法解释。光学物理学或光学科学是对电磁辐射的产生,电磁辐射的特性以及该辐射与物质的相互作用的研究,尤其是其控制和操纵。您可以将通用光学和光学工程分组为光学物理。但是实际上,光学物理学不同于光学工程和一般光学器件,因为光学物理主要集中在发现和应用各种新现象上。 However, strictly speaking, there is no strong distinction between applied optics, optical physics and optical engineering. Since research in optical physics needs the devices of optical engineering and the applications of applied optics and that research in turn leads to the development of new devices and applications, so we can say that these fields are not the same rather they are interrelated .In optical physics researchers use and develop light sources that span the electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to X-rays region of electromagnetic wave. The field includes various activities namely the generation of light, detection of light, linear as well as nonlinear optical processes, and last but not the least spectroscopy. There are some phenomena that depend on the fact that light has both particle like and wave like properties. Explanations of these particular effects do require quantum mechanics. So a major portion of study in optical physics is also devoted to coherence, femtosecond optics and quantum optics In optical physics, support is also provided In areas like optical physics provides its support Some effective areas of research of optical physics include the nonlinear response of isolated atoms to intense, ultra-short electromagnetic fields, the development of novel optical techniques for nano-optical measurements, the atom-cavity interaction at high fields, and quantum properties of the electromagnetic field, diffractive optics, low-coherence interferometry, optical coherence tomography, and near-field microscopy etc. Optical physics finds its main applications in advancements of medicine, communications, manufacturing, and even entertainment.


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