


现代物理是一个分支物理在这种情况下,能量不是古典物理学中的单独数量。在现代物理学中,它们是彼此的交替形式。该物理分支主要基于Max Planck的量子理论和Albert Einstein的相对论。现代物理包括各种研究领域。它们是核物理学,高能量物理,固态物理学,超声波,原子物理和等离子体物理学。保护规律,包括群众,能源和势头的守则,也是古典物理学的一部分,在现代物理学中发挥着至关重要的作用,但亚非原子颗粒的保护规律在现代物理学中是独一无二的。后牛顿物理学的概念被称为现代物理和描述,与这些理论相关,在某些情况下,在某些情况下掺入量子力学或精英脂肪的元素。换句话说,涉及量子力学(QM)或Einsteinian相对性(ER)或两者的元素的物理学被认为是现代物理学。一般而言,术语现代物理学用于指20世纪初和向后发展的任何物理分支,或者在20世纪初的物理学影响的分支。经典力学的主要景点包括较大的距离和小速度。 But in modern physics it often involves extreme conditions. Say for example quantum effects usually involve distances comparable to atoms which is roughly 10−9 m, whereas relativistic effects usually involve velocities comparable to the speed of light that is almost 108 m/s. So we can say that modern physics is often encountered when dealing with extreme conditions. It is the quantum mechanical effects that tends to appear when dealing with "lows" such as low temperatures, small distances etc, and relativistic effects tend to appear when dealing with "highs" such as high velocities, large distances etc, And the "middles" being classical behavior. Say for example, when we analyze the behavior of a gas at room temperature, almost all phenomena will involve the classical Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. But near absolute zero, Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution fails to analyze the behavior of the gas, and in that case the modern Fermi–Dirac or Bose–Einstein distributions have to be used.




