


原子物理学(或原子物理学)是物理这主要涉及到核周围电子的排列以及这些排列改变的过程。换句话说,这是对原子结构,能量状态及其与其他颗粒以及其相互作用的电力和磁场的相互作用的科学研究。原子物理学是量子力学最成功的应用之一,这是现代物理学的重要组成部分。原子物理学不包括对电子和核的研究,而不是将原子作为电子系统和原子核研究。通常,除非另有说明,否则通常还要考虑离子和中性原子。您可能只认为原子理通常与核弹和核能有关,因为在标准英语中类似使用原子和核能。但是,在原子物理学中,我们研究原子作为一个由核和电子组成的系统,另一方面,核物理学仅处理原子核。在原子物理原子中总是孤立地考虑。原子模型由一个或多个结合电子包围的原子核(单个)组成。这种物理学领域与分子的形成或其固态条件无关。 Its main concerns are related with processes such as ionization and excitation by photons or collisions with atomic particles. Modeling atoms in isolation are usually not realistic, because if one considers an atom in a gas or plasma medium, then the amount of atom-atom interactions are huge in comparison to the atomic processes that we are concerned with that is in isolation system. This signifies that individual atoms can be treated as if each were in isolation because for the large majority of the time they are. Considering this, atomic physics provides the underlying principle in atmospheric physics and plasma physics even though both deal with large numbers of atoms. However, the internal structure of the atom became clear only in the early 20th century with the work of the British physicist Ernest Rutherford and his fellow students. Until his efforts, “plum-pudding” model a so-called popular model of the atom had been the advocated by the English physicist Joseph John Thomson was existing. His assumptions were that each atom consists of a number of electrons called as plums embedded in a gel of positive charge called as pudding and the total negative charge and the total positive charge cancel each other, yielding an atom that is electrically neutral.


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