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工程力学专家Expertsmind.com非常有才华和经验丰富;他们能够在很短的时间内解决复杂的工程机制问题和问题。我们在Expertsmind.comoffer Engineering Mechanics assignment help, Engineering Mechanics homework help, Engineering Mechanics projects assistance and Engineering Mechanics answers for your college assignments. We provide step by step Engineering Mechanics answers that can help you in understanding the situations and a way how to solve different kind of Engineering Mechanics problems. Get solved Engineering Mechanics problems and questions from qualified expert tutors at Engineering mechanics has wide applications in机械工业,,,,engineering physics和别的engineeringbranches. Thus learning subject is essential for students.



主要科学家形成了不同的时代,例如阿基米德(287-212 BC);伽利略(1564–1642),艾萨克·牛顿爵士(1642–1727)和爱因斯坦(1878–1955)为工程机制领域提供了各种法律和假设,并为该受试者的发展做出了很大的贡献。其他著名的数学家对工程力学发展有相当大的贡献的数学家是Euler,Varigon和D. Lambert等。这些伟大的科学家和研究人员开发的机械师可以分为主要群体,这是 -

1. The Newtonian mechanics or classical mechanics- it deals with the gravitational laws and the three laws given by Sir Isaac Newton which revolve around the state of rest and motion of an object of the bodies.

2。相对论力学 - 艾伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)提出了相对论力学的理论,他证明了牛顿力学原理未能解释高速机构的行为,这是由相对论力学解释的。

3.波或量子力学 - 量子力学理论,由Schrodinger(1887-1961)和Broglie(1892-1965)给出,当有关原子距离涉及时,颗粒的行为解释了颗粒的行为。这不可能通过使用牛顿力学法律来完成。








液体是材料变形连续的ly with the application of very small shear forces. Fluid mechanics deals with the behavior of such materials. The subject is further divided into mechanics of ideal fluids, mechanics of viscous fluids, and mechanics of incompressible fluids.


力学的基本定律是 -

1. Newton’s first law- As per Newton’s first law, every body continues in its state of rest or motion in a straight line unless compelled by an external force or agency. From this law the definition of force can be derived which is the external agency that changes or tend to change the state of uniform linear motion or rest of a body.

2. Newton’s second law- As per the Newton’s second law, the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force acting on it and which takes place in the line and direction of the force acting on it.

3. Newton’s third law- as per the third law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

4. Newton’s law of gravitation— this law states that the force of attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their mass and is inversely proportional to the square of the distances between them.

5.力的透气性 - 该法律规定,如果作用在身体上的力被某些具有相同大小和方向的力代替,但可以在任何地方作用在任何地方沿替换力的动作线的身体。

6. Parallelogram of forces- The law states that if two forces which are acting simultaneously on a body at a given point are presented in magnitude and direction by two adjacent side of a parallelogram, the resultant is represented by the diagonal which passes through the point of intersection of the two sides representing the force. This law enables the determination of the single force which is called resultant. The resultant can replace the two forces which act at a point and have the same effect as the two forces.
