
Marketing Assignment Help>>市场规划,战略规划

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Market planning is a process in which the organizations believes to do the strategic planning and they provide the better value to their customers in terms of other organizations or other competitors. Market plan includes the activities where there is uniqueness in terms of the market trends or market demand. It talks about the needs and wants of the customer as well it also expresses the fact about the decision making and planning. It is basically related with the people of sales and marketing.


市场规划基于7 P,如下:

1)。产品:产品定义需求和要求ments of the consumer and it fulfills the satisfaction and rate of happiness of the consumer. It helps in measuring the real needs which gets fulfilled by that product like if you are in a need to write a letter to the editor you will require a pen and a paper thus these two products are your primary and major concern for your job at this moment of time.

2.) Price: Price is defined as per the features of the product. The features of the product includes quality, preference, taste, design, looks, materials which have been used in the product manufacture, the budget that have been used in the successful completion of the product and many more thing. Suppose a company have designed and launched a new mobile phone then it will look for all these features and then will define the exact and affordable price which will suit its target customer.



5.) People: People are also the important key asset for marketing who makes the concepts and strategies of marketing and research of the company successful.


7.) Physical Evidence: for making a thing or planning successful, physical evidence is asked by a customer just for a belief which helps in the success of marketing concepts.



Marketing plan includes all the P’s in marketing that are product which is to be marketed by a marketer, place where it needs to be marketed, price which will suit and benefit the customer, promotion which will create an awareness in the minds of the customer, physical evidence which will make the customer rely upon that brand, process which will help the cycle of marketing, people who will be the key assets of the marketing.

