Line Stretching, Products Introduced into a Product Line, Marketing Assignment Help

Marketing Assignment Help>>线拉伸:引入产品线的产品

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Line Stretching

Line straveing是一家公司采用的一种策略,以增加新口味,新颜色,新品种,公司使用的新策略最小化成本并利用品牌权益。

产品引入kno产品线wn as line stretching. The company produces low range of products as well as high range of products and they are in different ranges of the product line. For example the prices of Mercedes car in automobiles are located in the upper range and upper price. The company uses this line stretch when they increase their length of the product. There are two Ways Company stretches its market that is up market stretch and down market stretch.

在UP伸展市场中,公司将高市场的战略应用于高增长。它寻找较高的边缘和位置自己作为高档细分市场和全职制造商的位置。Star Bucks的咖啡已经应用了Up Stretch Market,在Hagen Daaz的冰淇淋中,我们可以认为婴儿产品的瓶装水和Proctor和Proctor and Gamble。洲际酒店集团还采用了此策略。他们任命了家具良好的酒店,设有宽敞的设施,包括宽敞的客房和浴室。他们的房价也很高,基本上位于主要城市或度假村的主要城市中心地点。他们也有很大比例的国际客人。在豪华车,宝马,梅赛德斯,雷克萨斯,阿村的高档细分市场中。

In down stretch market, companies apply the strategy of low market for high growth opportunities. It looks for the higher margins and positions themselves as downscale segment and full time manufacturers. They basically focus on the mass retail such as Spencer, Wal-mart, Big Bazaar, Best buy and there are many other shops that attract millions of customers and they make a strong growth by this strategy. These are for that customer who believe in value and also gives value price for the products.

例如,一个名为印度斯坦联合利华(Hindustan Unilever)的非常大的品牌始终采用较低价格的策略,并引入了较低的价格策略,索尼还采用了这些策略,这些策略已成为该公司的损失,并带来了很多风险。它也失去了形象和质量,因为它开始提供子品牌以及像我谈论过Hul,Gillette,Ramada Limited这样的其他公司都这样做了,但这是一种风险,当市场移动时,它会带来风险。但是,如果索尼,它花费了大量时间和金钱来介绍一个新品牌来建立其品牌。



Trading down: It reduces the number of features of a product to suit the selling price demanded by customers.


