BCG Analysis, Boston Consulting Group, BCG Matrix

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BCG分析基本上与营销,品牌和广告有关。它通常用于产品的优势和劣势。B.C.G Matrix由1970年代的伟大和著名的波士顿咨询集团开发。他们在此营销中给出了几个术语,该产品已被用来按照市场的份额来对其进行评分,并且根据市场的增长,产品与市场份额之间存在关系。这些分析都是基于两者进行的。波士顿咨询集团的布鲁斯·亨德森(Bruce Henderson)已开发出计划模型的投资组合,基本上是基于以下事实:市场份额以及与最高竞争对手有关的市场增长。

There are two different terms which are preferable and in demand in BCG analysis and that are industry attractiveness and competitive advantage. Market growth refers to industry attractiveness and market share refers to competitive advantage. It determines the business profits, the profitability in the business and the growth in the business. It also represents the cash flows in the business; it talks about the sales volume in the business and many more. There are circles in the matrix figure which indicates the presence of product and brand. The sales volume which is represented in the form of size.

The growth share matrix of BCG is divided basically into four main categories:







Question marks in this type of matrix it is growing very large and also can’t generate large amount of cash, this type also able to consume large amount of money but they also have low shares of market, they don’t have high market share. Question mark has the potential to achieve or gain high market share. They have high potential to reach the next level that is star. Question mark has the ability to gain the market share and go to the star and if the market growth slows down, it can move into dogs if they don’t get the good market growth and good market rate.




The industry attractiveness and the competitive advantage.


2. No business unit is dependant of others.


4. Market share is risky and it not creates the factor of success.


This BCG matrix is based on the theory of product life cycle. It is helpful for the company and for the managers in the company to evaluate the balance in the BCG matrix of cash cows, stars, question marks and dogs. It is a basic and a base for managers to take the further actions, to proceed to the future plans, to decide the future benefits of the business. This model is not that hard to understand.

BCG Matrix确定了需要先授予业务以改善增长的优先级。它有助于了解将根据业务规模规模适合所有策略的策略。它适用于想要大量销售的大型公司。当他们照顾这个矩阵时,管理层的工作变得容易。关于销售量和规模以及增长,这非常简单易懂。
