Value of beta for coca-cola-funding for investment projects

Reference no: EM1347184


Part I

Using Yahoo! Finance find the value of beta for your reference company (Coca-Cola).

- In a report explain your answers thoroughly with references to the background materials. Make sure to demonstrate a strong understanding of the concept of beta and the risk/return trade off.


a. What is the estimated beta coefficient of your company? What does this beta mean in terms of your choice to include this company in your overall portfolio?

b。鉴于贵公司的Beta,目前在一年内(目前每年约4.5%)在美国政府债券的到期收益率以及市场风险溢价的评估(即 - 预期的'市场投资组合'和无风险利率)为6.5%,使用CAPM方程来找出公司当前的“股本”是什么?说明“公平成本”的含义是什么。

C。选择另外两家公司,查找其“ Beta”,并报告这些公司及其Beta的名称。假设您将三分之一的钱投资于这些公司的每家股票。投资组合的Beta是什么?鉴于(b)中的数据,该投资组合的预期收益率将是多少?您是否觉得三汤组的投资组合已经足够多样化,还是仍然具有可以多元化的风险?解释。


Examine the structure and activities in your organization and identify two projects or events that required an investment. One should be a 'current project' and the other long-term investment project.

For each project or event, identify the preferable source of funding. You may not have access to the actual source of funding so limit your paper to the source YOU feel is most appropriate. Then explain why you feel that source is most appropriate.

- You should include references to the background materials or other articles and a discussion of the main concepts of this module as they relate to your choice of funding

Reference no: EM1347184

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