Overview of the u.s. health care system

Reference no: EM13924


The U.S. health care system is the subject of much polarizing debate. At one extreme are those who argue that Americans have the "best health care system in the world", pointing to the freely available medical technology and state-of-the-art facilities that have become so highly symbolic of the system. At the other extreme are those who berate the American system as being fragmented and inefficient, pointing to the fact that America spends more on health care than any other country in the world yet still suffers from massive uninsurance, uneven quality, and administrative waste.



As with all other countries, there are both private and public insurers in the U.S. health care system. What is unique about the U.S. system in the world is the dominance of the private element over the public element.


Public Health Insurance

• Medicare

o Basics: Medicare is a federal program that covers individuals aged 65 and over, as well as some disabled individuals.
o Financing: Medicare is financed by federal income taxes, a payroll tax shared by employers and employees, and individual enrollee premiums (for parts B and D).
O福利:Medicare A部分涵盖医院服务,Medicare B部分涵盖医师服务,而Medicare D部分则提供了处方药益处。[Medicare C部分是指Medicare Advantage -HMO的管理Medicare福利]。


Overall, seniors pay about 22% of their income for health care costs despite their Medicare coverage.

• Medicaid3

?States have the option of expanding eligibility if they so choose. For example, states can choose to increase income eligibility levels.

o Administration: The states and the District of Columbia are responsible for administering the Medicaid program; as such, there are effectively fifty-one different Medicaid programs in the country.

o Financing: Medicaid is financed jointly by the states and federal government through taxes. Every dollar that a state spends on Medicaid is matched by the federal government at least 100%. In poorer states, the federal government matches each dollar more than 100%. Overall, the federal government pays for 57% of Medicaid costs.

o Benefits: Medicaid offers a fairly comprehensive set of benefits, including prescription drugs. Despite this, many enrollees have difficulty finding providers that accept Medicaid due to its low reimbursement rate.


o S-CHIP: The State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) was designed in 1997 to cover children whose families make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but make too little to purchase private health insurance. S-CHIP and Medicaid often share similar administrative and financing structures.

O VA:退伍军人政府是一项为退伍军人的联邦政府管理计划。医疗保健在政府拥有的VA中提供


• Employer-sponsored insurance

o Basics: Employer-sponsored insurance represents the main way in which Americans receive health insurance. Employers provide health insurance as part of the benefits package for employees.

o管理:保险计划由营利性(例如Aetna,Cigna)和非营利组织(例如Blue Cross/Blue Shield)管理。

?特殊案例由“自保”的公司代表 - 也就是说,他们直接支付了员工直接产生的所有医疗保健费用。在这种情况下,公司与第三方合同管理健康保险计划。自保险的公司倾向于
be larger companies such as General Motors.


o Benefits: Benefits vary widely with the specific health insurance plan. Some plans cover prescription drugs, while others do not. The degree of cost-sharing (co-pays and deductibles) varies considerably.

• Private non-group (individual market)4

o Basics: The individual market covers part of the population that is self-employed or retired. In addition, it covers some people who are unable to obtain insurance through their employer. In contrast to the group market (employment-based insurance), the individual market allows health insurance companies to deny people coverage based on pre-existing conditions.


o Financing: Individuals pay an insurance premium out-of-pocket for coverage. Risk in the individual market depends only on the health status of the individual, in contrast to the group market, in which risk is spread out among multiple individuals. As such, low-risk, healthy patients will have a low premium, whereas the opposite is true for high-risk, sick patients.

o Benefits: Benefits vary widely with the specific health insurance plan.



3. Describe specific recommendations to improve the quality of care and the quality of communication between insurance companies, government, healthcare providers, employers, and patients.

Referencing Style= APA formatted

Word count: 2000 words

Reference no: EM13924



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