Moving to a saas provider for these services

Reference no: EM131007668


  1. SoftArc Engineering, a local engineering company has engaged you as a consultant to advise them on the use of Cloud computing in their daily operations. They have a series of staff that work on different projects in different parts of the country and are looking to provide them with office automation, such as email, word processing and spreadsheet capabilities, as well as online storage for their files. What are the critical points, other than cost, that you need to consider in order to prepare your advice for this company? Your report to SoftArc should be about 2 pages.
  2. SoftArc Engineering正在考虑使用IaaAS提供商托管其一些计算基础架构。他们要求您为他们准备一份报告,以描述由服务中心的服务器,存储和网络组成的本地托管计算基础结构之间的差异,以及使用IAAS提供商提供的类似基础架构。除了成本以外,企业选择从本地托管基础架构迁移和存储迁移到IaAS服务提供商时需要考虑的关键点是什么。您对Softarc的报告应约为2页。
  3. SoftArc Engineering还正在考虑使用PaaS还是SaaS为员工提供服务。SoftArc已将Microsoft Exchange 2012部署在其数据中心,以向所有250名员工提供电子邮件服务。它还从其数据中心部署了Microsoft SharePoint 2013,作为其员工的协作和文档管理工具。SharePoint 2013实例已得到广泛的定制,以适应SoftArc的需求,并运行Project Central,其项目管理工具是与SharePoint内部的单独应用程序。所有员工都设有Microsoft Office 2013 Office Automation产品套件,这些套件安装在其各自的台式机或笔记本电脑上。SoftArc希望您报告:
    1. Should SoftArc move to a SaaS provider in order to provide email and office automation services for their employees? What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a SaaS provider for these services?
    2. SoftArc would like to move its SharePoint 2013 instance to the cloud to make it more accessible, particularly to its users in remote locations. What is the best model (IaaS, PaaS or SaaS) for SoftArc to use for this service? Choose the model that you consider most appropriate for this service and discuss why the model you chose is the most appropriate for the SharePoint service.
    3. Your report for this question should be no more than 3 pages.

Australian student, 1.5 spacing, around 2000 words.

Reference no: EM131007668


Softarc engineering

SoftArc Engineering, a local engineering company has engaged you as a consultant to advise them on the use of Cloud computing in their daily operations.




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