Mountain man brewing company

beplay体育怎么安装Business Management
参考号:EM1389, Length: Total word count is 1445

Harvard Business School Case Study No. 2069.


(1) Identify the problem (problem is a management dilemma and does not contain the solution and is not a decision)

(2) The External Environment:


  • Identify the firm's major competitors (brand, product, generic, and total budget).
  • Identify the characteristics of the firm's major competitors with respect to size, growth, profitability, target markets, products, and marketing capabilities (production, distribution, promotion, pricing).
  • What other major strengths and weaknesses do these competitors possess?
  • List any potential future competitors not identified above.

Economic Growth and Stability

  • Identify the general economic conditions of the country, region, state, or local area where the firm's target customers are located. How are these economic conditions related to customers' ability to purchase the firm's products?
  • Describe the economics of the industry within which the firm operates. These issues might include the cost of raw materials, patents, merger/acquisition trends, sales trends, supply/demand issues, marketing challenges, and industry growth/decline.


  • Identify any political activities affecting the firm or the industry with respect to changes in elected officials (domestic or foreign), potential regulations favored by elected officials, industry (lobbying) groups or political action committees, and consumer advocacy groups.
  • What are the current and potential hot button political or policy issues at the national, regional, or local level that may affect the firm's marketing activities?


  • Identify any changes in international, federal, state, or local laws and regulations affecting the firm's or industry's marketing activities with respect to recent court decisions, recent rulings of federal, state, or local government entities, recent decisions by regulatory and selfregulatory agencies, and changes in global trade agreements or trade law.


  • How have recent technological advances affected the firm's customers with respect to needs/wants/preferences, access to information, the timing and location of purchase decisions, the ability to compare competing product offerings, or the ability to conduct transactions more effectively and efficiently?
  • 客户接受或拒绝这些技术吗gical advances? How is this issue related to customers' concerns over privacy and security?
  • 最近的技术进步如何影响公司或行业在制造,工艺效率,分销,供应链有效性,促进,降低成本或客户关系管理方面如何影响?
  • 哪些未来的技术为公司提供了重要的机会?确定可能威胁到公司生存能力或其营销工作的任何未来技术。

Socio-cultural Trends

  • 关于公司的目标客户,确定影响公司或行业的社会人口统计,价值观和生活方式的变化。
  • 解释这些变化如何影响(或可能影响)公司的产品(功能,福利,品牌),定价(价值),分销和供应链(便利性,效率),促销(消息内容,交付,反馈)和人员(人力资源问题)。
  • 确定公司或行业面临的道德和社会责任问题。这些问题如何影响公司的客户?这些问题将来如何改变?


The assignment in management is a case study from Harvard Business School bearing No. 2069. The case study is about a company named Mountain Man Brewing, a family owned business where Chris Prangel, the son of the president joins. Due to increase in the preference for light beer drinkers, Chris Prangel wants to introduce light beer version in Mountain Man. An analysis into the launch of Mountain Man Light over the present Mountain Man Lager is discussed in the solution.


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