
Reference no: EM13138199



今天,2013年12月9日,我参加了本学期的最后一次演讲。今天,讲座是在俄勒冈大学提供的硕士工业实习计划中。演讲是一场即兴演讲,由俄勒冈大学计划协调员Lynde Ritzow和----大学校友Luke Hanson介绍。节目协调员Lynde Ritzow开始讲座,通过在俄勒冈大学的四个专业计划优惠中,在将地板提供给---大学校友卢克·汉森(Luke Hanson)之前,就开始了不到五分钟的时间。

卢克(Luke)开始了他的演讲,讲述了当前的 - - 大学生在转移到俄勒冈大学之前在大学的时间。在演讲中,他告诉学生,他是学校的校友,并且是化学专业,并拥有生物化学的信息。他继续告诉课堂,一旦他毕业了----大学,他就不知道自己想做什么,以及他的化学学位。他告诉我们,他像他在演讲一样在俄勒冈大学发现了​​硕士的工业实习计划。之后,他参加了俄勒冈大学硕士工业实习计划的类似演讲,他向学校申请,并主修聚合物和涂料。后来,他对该程序的工作原理进行了细分。该计划是一个基于54个学期学期学期的课程,为16个学时,在夏季进行,在9个月内实习30小时,在学生方便时完成8小时。他说,学生必须在2月或夏天开始在计划开始时承担16个学时的负担。剩余的8个学时可能需要花费9个月的实习,或者在实习之前进行。该课程的设计方式,如果学生在实习期间参加剩余的8个学分课程,那么一年和一个学期将完成该计划,否则您将在两年内完成。 After telling us how the program is structured, he them told us about his internship.

Luke, interned at Bend research facility for nine months studying, how to make powered compound into pharmaceutical drugs. He said having this internship was a dream. While was at Bend Research, he said that his had some fun with task that were given to him such as turning oil into a tire, and reverse creating bottle. He said he had learned a lot about how to applying biochemical back ground into creating a doing reverse creation of previous products. He said by the end of his internship, he returned the University of Oregon, to get job assistance, where he went on several interviews in a days’ time, which he wasn’t successful at getting, but his last interview he went on he nailed. The job he got was his dream job, and that was at Bend Research, where he had interned at. Final, after telling us about his job experience, he opens the floor for questions.

In conclusion, even though the lecture was an impromptu lecture, I really enjoyed the lecture. The part of the lecture which Luke briefly discussed internship, was quite interesting, to me because, I myself wants to go into pharmaceutical making career. The lecture, also made me think possible going to the University of Oregon to study polymers & Coating, so that I can get a pharmaceuticals job. All in all, I enjoyed this lecture.

Reference no: EM13138199


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