Analyse annual report of national australian bank

beplay体育怎么安装Managerial Accounting
Reference no: EM131022882 , Length: 2000 Words

Companies Already selected National Australian bank

Task Details:

Assignment - individual assessment

This assessment is designed to allow students to demonstrate a higher level of understanding of accounting standards and theoretical and philosophical approaches, as they apply to the resolution of more complex accounting problems. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b and c.

Making sense of company executives' compensation and employee benefits through the lens of cultural effects. How the conceptual framework revision to include Prudence is likely to address the disparity in Corporate Reporting.

Download the latest annual report of any two listed companies.?Annual Reports are available on the company website or ASX website.

Analyse annual reports of your chosen companies( NAB {National Australian Bank}) in light of the reporting requirements imposed on accountants and those charged with governance of corporations. Your analysis should include the following:

- Are the annual reports in compliance with the conceptual framework and AASB standard requirements? ?
——你需要使用extracts from the annual reports to support your analysis. ?
- Provide screen shots of the relevant sections from the reports in your assignment. ?
- If they are not in compliance, explain the reason. ?
- How the conceptual framework revision to include Prudence is likely to address the disparity in Corporate Reporting ?
- You may find the explanations in the notes to the financial statements or in the Director's Report. ?
- Compare and contrast the two annual reports, identify the differences in disclosures of these ?corporations. ?
- Reference to material of Advanced Accounting and a critical analysis of the annual reports is required.

Students are to critically analyse and develop supported recommendations and conclusions, in reference to the relevant accounting framework (see Topics 1-5). ?The analysis and supported recommendations need to be formatted into a professional report as would be expected in a modern organisation by management and clients.

Research Students need to support their analysis and recommendations with the text and Requirements: minimum of 10 recent and relevant academic journal articles. Other sources ?may also be used but students need to be confident of the academic validity of such sources.

演示文稿:报告-2000 +10%单词报告?单词计数不包括封面,内容页,参考,附录和插图(例如图表,图形和表格)。

Students need to stay within the assigned word limits, and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment. Marks will be reduced for assignments shorter than or greater than the minimum word count.

-The report should be typed double spaced, using Times New Roman font size of either 10 point or 12 point.

-Every page should be clearly numbered.

- 作业应包括以下部分:

(a)标题 /封面页面,其中指示基本信息,例如主题标题,主题代码,三个月,作业标题,小组成员的全名和koi学生号码,word count和tutor的名称;


(c) Table of Contents;

(d) Main contents - Introduction, analysis using suitable headings and subheadings, Conclusions and ?Recommendations, Appendices (if any);


Reference no: EM131022882

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