

Heat may be transferred from one body to the other by any of three possible ways: conduction, radiation and convection. In the conduction, convection phenomena, a medium is necessary for the heat transfer. Radiation, however, does not have this limitation. This is also the fastest type of heat transfer, in which heat is transferred from one object to the other in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

传导:图表示在温度下与热储层的热接触的杆T1and a cold reservoir at temperatureT2. The ends of the rod are covered with insulating medium, so the transport of heat is along the slit, not through the sides. The particles at the hot reservoir have greater vibration energy. This energy is transferred by attack to the atoms at




Heat transfer happens only between parts that are at different temperature, and the rate of heat flow is dQ/dt. This rate is also named the heat current, shown by H. Experiments give that the heat current is proportional to the cross-section area A of the rod and to the temperature gradient dT/dx, which is the rate of modification of temperature with distance along the bar.

H = dQ/dt=-kAdT/dx ... (1)


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