Managing Globalization Assignment Help

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Managing Globalization


Changing the Organization's Structure


Developing Core Competencies for Global Learning

Kevin P Coyne, Stephen J D Hall and Patricia Gorman Clifford defined core competence inThe McKinsey Quarterly(1997年),作为嵌入在小组或团队中的补充技能和知识基础的结合,使能够执行一个或多个关键的过程达到世界一流的标准。beplay ued回归佳能对光学的知识及其将电子产品微型化的能力以及沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)在动画电影业务中创新产品创新产品的能力是这些公司核心竞争力的例子。对于组织而言,管理核心竞争力并不是一件容易的事。管理核心竞争力的方法与用于管理资本基础或战略业务部门的方法有很大不同。组织需要专注于实施信息技术来协调全球业务的能力,并在公司利益与当地子公司的利益之间进行权衡,以成功实施全球运营策略。

Changing Managers' Attitude

Some organizations believe that the process of globalization can be made more effective by changing the mindsets of their managers. To change the attitude of their managers, senior managers are educated about the importance and benefits of globalization. These trained senior executives then conduct sessions for middle and lower level executives to convince them of the importance and benefits of globalization, thus spreading knowledge and information throughout the organization. This approach involves conducting many such sessions at many levels, and requires huge investments. Still, many organizations like Phillips and Whirlpool use this approach because of its effectiveness. This approach slows down the pace of globalization but organizations prefer this approach because they feel that any sudden change in an organization may lead to a situation where managers are not able to perform their tasks effectively. A trained manager can understand and appreciate the global policies of the organization and participate effectively in achieving global benefits.

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