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Java RMI

The Java Remote Method Invocation Application Programming Interfaces is an Application programming interface also referred as Java RMI. It is a Java application programming interface that allows the object oriented equivalent of remote procedure calls. The basic implementation depends on Java Virtual Machine class representation method and it thus only backs up making calls from one Java Virtual Machine to another. The protocol implicit in this implementation is referred as Java Remote Method Protocol or JRMP.

以增刊ort code running in a non- Java Virtual Machine context, a CORBA version was later developed to solve the purpose. Usage of the term Remote Method Invocation may refer solely the programming interface or signify both the Application Programming interface and Java Remote Method Protocol.

The programmers of the master RMI API generalized the code to accompany different implementations, for example HTTP transport. RMI feature comes in the package java.rmi, while most of Sun's implementation is placed in the sun.rmi package.

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