



(ii) Elasticity:The characteristic of a body by virtue of which the body takes its real configuration when external deforming forces are removed is known as elasticity.


(iv)原子间力常数(K):原子质力常数被描述为原子间力与原子间距离的修饰之比。k =杨的模量 *原子间距离

(v) Perfectly Elastic Body:A body which gets its actual configuration immediately and completely after the removal of deforming force from it, is known as perfectly elastic body. Phosphor bronze and quartz are the types of nearly perfectly elastic materials. Liquid glasses an kind of perfectly plastic object.


(vii)压力:Stress is calculated by the deforming force per unit normal area.



(b) Shear stress, which gives "shear or bending" being the result of same and opposite torque about the origin of mass operating on a body.

(c) Volume stress (Bulk Stress) which produces a change in the volume of the body - the resulting strain is known as volume strain (Bulk Strain).

(d)压力单位=f/a = n/m2

(e) Dimension of stress = ML-1T-2

(viii) STRAIN:当将变形力施加到身体上时,身体的大小会发生变化。该对象称为紧张或变形。维度与原始维度的修饰之比称为应变。IE。

Strain =Change in dimension/Original dimenstion

Strain being the ratio of two similar values, so it has no units and size. There are three kinds of strain

(A)纵向应变= C长度/原始length =ΔL/L


(b) Volume strain =Change in volume/Original音量=ΔV/v =


(九)弹性极限:Elastic limit is the upper limit of deforming force up to which, if deforming force is replaced, the object regains its real form completely and after that limit, if deforming force is increased, the object loses its characteristic of elasticity and gains permanently deformed.

Elastic limit is the property of a body whereas elasticity is the property of the material of a body.

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