Chemical in cosmetics, Chemistry Assignment Help

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Chemical in cosmetics

The word cosmetics are taken from the Greek wordKosmetikos. It means decorating. Beautifying or improving complexion of skin. In India from the ancient timesHennahas been used to decorate hands and some other parts of the body. Some of the cosmetics which find use in daily life are discussed below,

1. Creams


3. Talcum Powder

4. Deodrants

Email based Chemistry assignment help - homework help at Expertsmind

您是否正在搜索化学专家在化妆品问题中获得化学方面的帮助?没有外部帮助,化妆品主题中的化学主题不太容易学习?我们在www.52400199.comoffer finest service of18beplay官网和化学作业帮助。beplay提款封号现场导师可用于24x7小时,以帮助学生在化妆品相关的问题中处理其化学物质。我们在Cosmetics问题的答案中提供了100%窃的内容的逐步化学。在化学理论和研究材料下,我们准备化妆品主题中的化学质量内容和注释。这些可用于订阅的用户,并且可以随时获得优势。


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