
论文写作 - 报告写作>>Sample Work>>目前的教育目标



In the major sense Education is the accomplishment that has an influential impact on an individual’s character, mind and physical abilities. If discussed technically education is defined as a process through which a society with positive intentions transform it. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its amassed knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.



据弗里大学(Freie University)的校长柏林(Dieter Lenzen)的教育始于1770年底,柏林(Dieter Lenzen)的教育开始。早期存在的传统教育体系也将与当前的教育体系有联系。在较早的时候,通过口头交流,模仿和讲故事的媒介来实现识字水平,这是一件基本的事情,总是有助于将教育从一个人传递到另一个人。一个重要的事实是,作为一种物种的文化和人类的发展取决于传播知识的实践。

传播知识的实践开始扩大ing its arms. When cultures began to expand their knowledge beyond the basic skills of communicating, trading, gathering food, religious practices, etc., formal education, and schooling, eventually followed.

The history of education in England in the 19th century the Church of England was the one that provided schools for the children till the time there was a proper establishment of free, compulsory education towards the end of that century. The following were the colleges and universities which were established:



• Durham University


The 1944 Education Act established the Tripartite System of grammar schools, secondary modern schools and Secondary Technical Schools. The school leaving age was raised to 16 in 1972.



• Training means provision of learning, mainly by a teacher.

• Coaching means the practice of providing learning to the student by using a means of group teaching.


Primary education:

Primary education consists of the initial 5–7 years of formal education. Generally it means that primary education schooling that begins from the age of five or six, although this varies ,

Globally around 89% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat illogical, but it generally happens at about eleven or twelve years of age.

Secondary education


Higher education

Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees



Alternative education





Learning modalities

如果没有一个教育不能改变了to accept it thus there are various teaching styles followed to make learning interesting. The environment provided to the students is such that they enjoy going to the school and the basic motive of learning is established. The individual attention given to every child or learner for developing and nourishing their skills and capabilities have proved to one of the best techniques to increase learning and grasping power of the students. The following are the current modalities used in the schools and universities to make education system more simpler to be understood:

• Visual: it is entirely based on observation and seeing and then learns.




One important fact that is connected to this is that teaching patterns should keep getting change as per the changes in the teaching techniques because if one keeps on repeating the same modules to the children and present it in the same manner it becomes monotonous and thus its influence start demolishing and it is of no use. Thus using varieties of techniques and making the class interesting is integral part of teaching and learning process.


- 智力

- Political

- Economical

- 社会的



Source: Educational technology


The knowledge is important to be given in the form of both practical and theoretical. The theoretical knowledge should be kept short and simpler but should be strict and rigid. It should not be too long because that could make learning process a little sluggish and lingering and to attain accuracy it should be simple. The theory should not be messed up with the practical knowledge. The student should not come across any doubts and errors while using the theoretical information in practice. The author’s point of view is that the erudition that have that can be proved should be utilized as well and vice-versa. Thus according to him there is no difference between proof and utilization and thus are the same things.


When discussing about knowledge and learning media plays an important role in the current times because media is mixed with communication. As said that every individual wants a secret to be happy, popular, attractive, understanding, satisfied and most importantly in control. The skill that provides all these qualities is effective communication. In fact, the benefits of communication and education are so much that they cannot be listed here because thse enhances so many aspects of our life. Thus technology is a medium through which an individual can polish their eminence and traits and also it nourishes the capabilities of an individual in he areas of advocacy that is advertising, marketing, public relation etc. and also enriches the education level.

英国公开大学(UKOU)成立于1969年,是世界上第一个提供远程学习教育的教育机构,仍然取决于基于印刷的材料,电视以及最近的在线编程。同样,印度的英迪拉·甘地国家公开大学(Indira Gandhi National Open University)结合了印刷,录制音频和视频,广播广播和电视以及音频会议技术的使用。

The term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL) has been increasingly used to describe the use of technology in teaching.




My research is completely based on the education and its aim. In the entire case study I have discussed the history and background of education, that when the need for education was felt and it initiated. Also the earlier means of education and the current means and technologies being used for the betterment of the education structure.

The following were the questions that I came across during my case study and that I have tried to answer through the same medium as well. These are:

1. What is the real meaning of education?


• Training means provision of learning, mainly by a teacher.

• Coaching means the practice of providing learning to the student by using a means of group teaching.


2. Is education only related school learning?




Ans: literate person is the one who have all the knowledge of in and around his vicinity and country and possess the capabilities of not just reading and writing but also understanding the current developments in the technology and an illiterate person cannot be called uneducated only because he do not possess the abilities of reading and writing. For example a farmer is not literate but have all the knowledge and education about his farm and he knows that at what point of time the crops should be sown and when should be reaped. Thus he is educated. Therefore education is a wider term.

4. In the current scenario is the emphasis given on education and learning, more than bookish knowledge?

Ans: as we have discussed that introduction of technology in the educational structure has been done to make teaching and learning process easier and understandable. Thus books are a part of transcending education from teachers to students but it is only one medium and education is something beyond books.



• Knowledge is Power.

• Learning is the most powerful tool in the world.

• Getting paid for better jobs


• Formal education

The education is aimed at preparing students to have an excess to productive labor force, and to preserve the harmony of a civic life. Education should ultimately teach intellectual, spiritual, civic, and moral aspects of life. This will ensure well-rounded and balanced individuals. The following are the listed aims of education:
• Mounting intelligence & furnishing it to compact with realism
• Most prominently, making people THINK

• Linear thinking assuming that engineering an medicine courses are the ultimate.
• Exam oriented study.
• Commercialization of Education.
• Vagueness on expectations and abilities.
• Assumption of confining education to classroom.
• Repulsion towards new methods.
• Lack of coordination between society, school and administration, not catering to the needs of the society.
• No scope for the enrichment of cognitive resources of the child such as questioning, observation, inquisitiveness and expression.
• Mechanization of the child’s mind by the current education system.
• Focus only on enrollment.
• No stress on quality education.
• Laborious Learning and intolerable schools.
• Gulf between labour and intelligence.
• Teacher-centered classes and only text books provide true knowledge.
• Satisfying the officials and lack of decision making.
• Disbelief among the teachers, the management and the society.
• Completing the syllabus in time is the ultimate goal.
• The consequences of the present system.
• The role of the school, the teachers and the society.


• Thoughtfulness and independent work with values.
• Concern for the others.
• School should promote social awareness and human relations.
• Teacher as social volunteer.
• Professional and vocational trainings.
• There are already existing seven cardinal principles of education that explains that what we teach in schools but the current education aims at how we teach in schools
• If one is educated and have the abilities to have the best in life then he should also think about the social responsibilities.



1. oppaoers.com:所有人的研究论文和论文,2011年。
2. Directessays: get instant access, 2002. The Proper Aims of Education [online] (updated 2011) Available at: http://www.directessays.com/viewpaper/80715.html
3.联合国教科文组织,《 2008年所有监测报告的教育》,初级教育的净入学率,K。(1999)。“教育的目的”,昆士兰州州教育:2010年,[在线] URL:www.aspa.asn.au/papers/eqfinalc.pdf [2010年10月28日访问]
4. Maha Shuayb and Sharon O’Donnell: National Foundation for Educational Research, University of Cambridge, 2008. The Primary Review, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
