
Engineering Assignment Help>>工程热力学分配帮助beplay体育怎么安装




Thermodynamic is basically the study of energy. The study of energy which transfers within systems is called introductory thermodynamics. The methods and constructs that are used for accounting the macroscopic energy transfer are contained in classical thermodynamics. Basically there forms of energies are studied in thermodynamics.

1.动能 - 移动的质量的能量称为动能。动能形成材料和速度的质量。

2.势能 - 物质的势能取决于其高度和质量,也取决于地球的重力。这就是为什么,物体的势能在月球上降低了,而不是在地球上(月亮具有较低的重力拉力)。



A well defined set of materials or matter is called thermodynamic system. A system in which the matter can cross the boundary is called open system whereas a system in which no matter leaves or enters a given boundary is called closed system. The degree of freedom of a system depends on minimum number of variables required to describe a system. Some examples of these variables are pressure, density, temperature etc. When the state of a system changes it is termed as a process. When the initial and final stages of a process are same, the process is called a cyclic process. A reversible process can also run in reverse with no change in its system and surroundings. And when the process is unable to run in reverse direction, it is called irreversible process. The process in which the temperature remains constant is called isothermal process.

The three laws of thermodynamics

The zeroth law- If two thermodynamic systems, A and B are in thermal equilibrium and one of them , for example B is in thermal equilibrium with another thermodynamic system C , then A and C are also in thermal equilibrium.

热力学的第一定律 - 法律指出,当热量和工作之间发生热量和工作相互作用时,封闭系统的给定循环中的炒锅和热相互作用的代数总和为零。这意味着系统的能量既不能创建,否则不会被破坏。

热力学的第二定律 - 系统中发生的所有自发事件都会增加系统的总熵。因此,宇宙的熵总是增加。

热力学的第三定律 - 绝对零,系统的熵为零。


一个组件系统都在eithe材料存在r solid liquid or gaseous phase and all one component systems share certain characteristics. In a system where liquid and vapor coexist, it is called a saturated state. When the liquid and vapor are in equibillrium, the pressure is called saturation pressure and the temperature is called saturation temperature. When the temperature of a gas or vapor is greater than the saturation temperature, it is termed as superheated vapor. The study of air and water vapor mixtures used for air conditioning is called psychometry. The air in this study is approximated for containing nitrogen and oxygen only as other gases in air are contained in small amounts.


Rankine循环 - 它也称为标准蒸气功率周期,在此周期中,工作流体遵循封闭周期。

OTTO循环 - 在往复式内燃烧引擎中发现的过程的理想化称为OTTO循环。大多数汽车使用这种热力学应用周期。

柴油周期 - 柴油周期中的热量在恒定压力下提供。这是压缩点火引擎(不需要火花塞的那些)的理想循环。


制冷循环 - 理想的制冷循环是Carnot循环的相反,并且可以用作热泵而不是热发动机。气体制冷周期用于机舱冷却。Rankine蒸气压缩机周期也用于其他冷藏单元。
