劳动和资本, Business Economics Assignment Help

商业经济学- 劳动力和资本,商业经济学



In ordinary sense labour is very often used to represent hard work or manual labour. But in economics the term 'labour' is used in much wider sense. It includes both physical and mental work undertaken for some monetary reward.





1. Labour is perishable- if a worker does not work on particular day, his labour for that day is wasted. Labour is thus perishable.


3.讨价还价的能力弱 - 劳动的议价能力很弱,因为(i)工人的经济地位比雇主的经济地位要弱得多,(ii)工人之间缺乏组织,(iii)劳动是可腐烂的。

4. Supply of labour is inelastic- the supply of labour can neither be increased nor be reduced easily and quickly. Hence, for example if there is dearth of particular type of labour in a country, there supply cannot be increased within a day, month or year.


6. Labour sells his labour, but not himself- the labour does not sale he, he sells his labour only.

7.减少移动性 - 人类的劳动对语言,宗教,文化和习俗等有很大的依恋。因此,他们并不容易搬出。

8.计算生产成本的困难 - 计算劳动的生产成本并不容易。如何计算抚养孩子的成本?

9. Indirect demand for labour- the demand for labour is not direct; it is indirect or derived demand. Labour is demanded so as to produce other goods which satisfy our wants.

10.效率不同 - 所有工人都不相等。它们的效率不同。

11.劳动力的效率可以提高 - 可以通过培训提高效率。




资本一词在各种意义上都用于经济学。在普通语言中,有时在经济学中也使用了资本。但是,当我们将资本作为将资本与资金混淆的生产因素时,是完全错误的。当然,金钱用于购买诸如原材料机械劳动力之类的丝绒因素,该因素可用于投资,生产目的被某些经济学家称为Money Packivator Financial Capital。但是,货币资本不是真正的资本由机械工具管组成的真正资本。工厂拖拉机等直接帮助商品生产类似的政府证券和债券股票和公共有限公司的债券并不代表个人拥有的实际资本证券债券等。仅代表所有权的头衔,而不是生产因素。

资本已被正确地定义为生产手段of production this definition distinguishes capita form both land and labour because both land and labour are not produced factors land and labour are often considered as primary or original factor of production. But capital is not a primary or original factor; it is a produced factor of production capital has been produced by man by working with nature. Therefore capital may well be defined as man-made instrument of production capital thus consists of those physical goods which have produced for use in future production. Machines tool sand instrument factories canals dams transport equipment stocks of raw materials are some of the examples of capital. all of the mare produced by man to help in the production of further goods. According to proof Richard T. Gill a country capital is its stock of produced or man-made means of production consisting of such items as buildings factories machinery tools equipment and inventories go goods in stock.

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