Cost Classification and Flows Assignment Help, Types of Costs, Cost Accounting

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The management accounting process consists primarily of planning, decision making models and performance evaluation which are useful to management for taking better decisions. In all cases, these tools have the definite requirement of cost and revenue information. The basic assumption of the process of management accounting is that it considers the accountant’s role as primary in providing the needed cost and revenue information to the management. Thus, the management accountant must have good knowledge of all the different types of costs which are involved in business and are required by various models,




The expired and unexpired costs


Manufacturing and non manufacturing costs

制造的商品陈述显示了当前的所有制造成本。制造成本定义为使用的材料,所产生的费用以及产生的制造费用。这些成本是与生产陈述成本有关的成本。良好的制造声明包含成本,具有此制造声明。费用或非制造成本是在管理和销售过程中指出的那些费用。这些是直接在当​​前期间产生的费用,以便产生收入。库存成本不包括非制造费用。在这些部门中,成本进一步归类为直接和间接的婴儿床。此分类是根据在生产材料中直接或间接使用的制造中使用的材料进行的。直接材料是那些成为最终产品的一部分,例如木椅上的木材。 Indirect materials are usually not significant in amount and are called indirect material, like glue or screw.

Fixed and variable costs



Cash flow

Cash flow is the movement of cash into or out of a business, financial product or project. Its measurement is done for a specified time interval. Cash flows are used for determining a projects rate of return or value, as an alternative measure to profits in business, for determining problems with business liquidity, for evaluation of the risks with a financial product, or for evaluation of the quality of the generated income. The total net cash flows are attained by the summing up of the cash flows of other areas, which include the operational cash flow, financing cash flow and the investment cash flows.

The cash flow and cost classification help the accountant to understand various aspects of business and provide him tools for undertaking various financial accounting processes.
