

现在,几天可能有很多原因导致学生错过课程。有时他们故意错过课程,有时背后有真正的原因。真正的原因可能是一个人的疾病。一些学生的免疫力较弱,因此经常生病,他们甚至无法上学。在这种情况下,有时会在看到代理人之后相信,但有时说服教师并不容易。主要是学生错过讲座,因为他们想和朋友一起出去玩。与朋友一起闲逛已成为掩盖演讲的最大原因。有时,他们发现参加讲座很无聊,因为他们对该主题没有任何兴趣。有时他们会错过课堂,因为他们对这个主题有兴趣,但他们认为讨论的话题并不有趣。尽管如果这个话题不有趣,它可以通过向学生展示的方式变得有趣。 Sometimes it depends upon the student to student. Some students attend lectures because they think that the lecture would include all the study material related to their homework and tests. The large no. of lecture bunkers are those students who don't like to study or they find study just waste of time as they are not interested in the studies. Sometimes they bunk classes because the find themselves too tired to attend the further lectures.


When many students miss lectures the teachers start giving attention to the students who are actually regular in their lectures which demotivates other students and they tend to not attend the lectures anymore. They feel demotivated and stop attending the lectures. Some students miss the lecture because they have a strong back as they can pay to get passing marks in school or college and only goes to school or college for formality. Some students are lazy as if once they miss the lecture and something important happened in that lecture they start on avoiding those has they has to read and learn more. Another reason can be that the students sometimes get humiliated by the teachers for doing something wrong.

可以采取许多措施来防止班级/演讲的繁琐,以帮助所有学生取得成就。可以有自动出勤系统,因此可以向缺席者的父母发送默认消息。应向父母提供或发送给父母的每周一次测试报告,以了解其学者。应该严格注视那些经常缺席的学生,教师应该独自去家里见父母,以了解缺席的原因。他们几乎不应受到惩罚,以便他们再也不会想到这样做了。他们应该被告知,Bunking Overing讲座是最糟糕的事情之一,因为他们只是破坏了父母的辛苦赚钱的钱,尽管他们正在破坏他们的生活。他们应该被告知教育离子的重要性,应该告诉他们他们受教育是多么幸运。因为有些人甚至没有机会因贫穷而上学。

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