



老师通过多年成为的人s of training and experiences in the field. I have not found a teacher who is an expert the first day of their profession. It is urgent for everyone who is a teacher or is setting up to become one to get prepare in the field the best they can. All teachers who get prepare would know how to set up rules in the classroom. Those kinds of teachers will probably have fewer problems in their classroom since they will be able to control the classroom.


A teacher carries a huge responsibility in her classroom. One reason is that all students depend on her or him. Everything the teacher says will have an impact on students. If the teacher feels joy of feels anger, it would be spread among children because the attitudes of teacher gets contagious. If the teacher laughs, students also laugh, why? Since teachers are responsible for the social behaviour in the classroom. If something goes wrong only responsible is the teacher though it was not their foul.


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The students do the same in order for the teacher to get to know them, also. This is a good exercise to do since it benefits the whole class to break the ice. The first days most of the students are frightened of the teacher as they do not know how the teacher's personality is. It will change till the point that teacher and students find out to have common hobbies with each other.

From time to time, teacher's caring attitudes could have a long positive or negative influence on students. Student's self-esteem could be lift up because it might create ambitions in their minds for future academic success. As Mike Rose explains in "Lives in Boundaries" that an educator should be an open mind person that must respect the students diversity and give love and caring attitudes toward students. One of the roles that a teacher carries is to give confidence to students in the issues that bother them about school in their personal life. It could make a big difference in the student's life if he or she is lift up to keep going and to not let anything put us down. Psychologically, students might be affected if they have problems with their teachers. One of the results can be that students would avoid going to school. As professional teachers, we do not want any disagreement with the students.

有时,学生的行为证明了这一点something is not going right. So, teachers must pay attention to any suspicious sings that could bother the student. As teacher is our responsibility to find what is going on with the students in the classroom. Kids deep in their hearts feel that teachers may well help them but sometimes they are afraid to ask teacher. The students prefer to talk to their friends about their problems and sometimes teachers are the last person to find about the problem. Sometimes is the teacher's foul that students do not seek his or her help since sometimes the teachers do not form a bound of communication. The teachers should let students know how she feels while students do not trust her maybe it would help students to change their minds about telling teacher his/her problem.

As teachers, one fine way to do this is to look back in our school years and remembered what we went throughout while we were students. We will understand that most of the kids have problems with their teachers. Consequently, teacher's priority should only be the benefit of the student's feelings.

通常,关于教师是否必须是学生榜样的讨论。教师受到社会的尊重,因为他们认为对学校的不同学科知识渊博。所有老师都有为学生提供良好环境的关键。有一个令人愉悦的环境的好处是老师和学生。但是,在此之前,老师需要做好充分的准备,以便学生获得最好的待遇。对于教师来说,要做好准备是必要和至关重要的,因为学校的第一年对学生非常重要。学生的未来教育成就取决于他们的第一年。因此,学生与老师的联系是日常行为。尽管有几天的学生会有不当,但有时几天根本不会出现问题。作为人类,有时候,老师做的事情是不对的,尽管我们总是有另一个机会做得更好。 In conclusion, teachers need to show respect, caring, become role models, make a nice environment, treat students right, instructs them but not be totalitarian, and guides them through the road of success. The only who gets the benefits are the students and sometimes it might be a negative or positive.

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