Ways to Position Yourself for Finals Success in Courses

Ways to Position Yourself for Finals Success in Courses

When you begin the new term you dare to engage in some extracurricular activities, take afternoon naps without feeling guilty or indulge in friends and parties with a comfortable feeling that the final exams are far off. But we all know how time flies once we start counting days and before you realize it, you are just weeks away from the finals. You want to make the best of the time; you feel that those few weeks are still there, so you delve into studies, stop wasting time, turn nights into days, strain your mind and body, stop eating well and may end up falling ill at the most crucial time. All this happens because students have a tendency to panic when the finals approach. As long as careers are going to be decided solely by marks obtained in finals, this will continue to happen. But if you position yourself in the right way before the finals you can get assured success no matter what course you pursue and what level of education.

Some tips that will help you to position yourself for the Finals success:

  • Remain cool.不要恐慌。不要烦恼和烟雾,也不后悔失去的日子。这种行为不会延长时间;它只会对您的身心状态产生负面影响,使您不适合学习。
  • 计划在最后阶段至关重要。计算可用于修订的天数。在考试退出计划之前,请保留几天。考虑到每个单元的难度水平,将课程提纲分为可用的天数。为困难的主题预留更多的时间。
  • Make a detailed timetable.Chalk out what and how much you MUST complete on a particular day. Even if you decide to complete one subject before you take up the next one, see that you change the topics. Harping on the same topic or subject for several days may be boring. Introduce change and variety within the syllabus to retain your interest. Follow the timetable STRICTLY.
  • Wake up清晨和学习几个侯rs。休息一下,然后继续。您可以在白天服用尽可能多的茶/咖啡休息时间。与其长时间睡觉,不如间隔小睡。
  • Watch TV for a while or take a walk in the evening. When you start doing it, you will realize that you can accommodate everything in 24 hours. Final exams do not imply continuous study all the time. After all, we are human beings first.
  • Remaining凉爽而出色的计划主管to sure success. Losing control over oneself leads to stress which becomes difficult to manage when exams are around the corner.
  • Keep intouch with classmates,尤其是那些勤奋和真诚的人。花一些时间在他们的公司中讨论主题。您可能需要一些朋友的帮助来解释一些主题。看到您不要打扰他们的日程安排;与他们联系并在他们免费时进行预约。

Most students still fear final exams. The extent of fear varies according to temperaments. Even students who study regularly from the very first day have a degree of fear in their minds regarding final examinations. This fear is a purely psychological factor associated with final exams. One must train oneself to take course exams as part of life, a phase that one has to go through like hundreds of other challenges in life. Fear builds tension and gives rise to stress. Some of those who cannot cope with final exam stress may deteriorate in health. We hear of students committing suicide or showing escapist tendencies before final examinations.


I can happen to anyone. So remember, be calm and relaxed. Take finals exams seriously but approach them courageously. Final exams are easier if you think of them as exit polls. Shed off the fear, plan well and there you are, just positioned beautifully for tackling the finals!!!

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