
流行的互联网迅速增长在去年decade. This is probably due to reason that college also university students as well as teens used it extensively to get global access. These social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter have become a raging craze for everyone nowadays.


Negative effects of social networking sites overweigh positive ones. These types of sites have made various potential harms to society. Students turn into victims of social networks more often than anyone else can. This is because of reason that when they are studying or searching their course material online, they get attracted to these sites to kill boredom in their study time, diverting their attention from their work. Other negative side effects of social networking websites include following:





Reduction in real human contact:


Reduces command over language use age also creative writing skills:




Students, although studying also searching online, get attracted to utilize social media sites also sometimes they forget why they are using internet. This wastes their time also sometimes students are not able to deliver their work in specified time frame.


Students get low grades in school due to lack of the desired information also writing skills.



Effect on health:


Overuse of these sites on a daily basis has many negative effects on physical also mental health of students making them lethargic also unmotivated to create contact with people in person. Parents should check also balance on their children when they use internet. They should be on guard whether they are using it for appropriate time period or not. Peers also teachers should also help students make them aware of negative effects also explain what they are losing in real world by sticking to these social networking sites.

Internet Addiction:

Excessive Internet use is emerging as one of more negative aspects of young people's online activities. In literature, such extreme use is often synonymous with terms compulsive Internet use, problematic Internet use, pathological Internet use, Internet dependence, computer addiction also net addiction. Internet addiction, term we use here, has been defined as use of Internet to escape from negative feelings, continued use of Internet despite desire to stop, experience of unpleasant emotions when Internet use is impossible, thinking about Internet constantly also experience of any other conflicts or self-conflicts due to Internet use.





Risk for online addiction:

To get a better handle on this problem, we need to understand characteristics of youth who may be at risk for online addiction. It is found that emotional intelligence was a strong-to-moderate predictor of addiction-related behaviours such as online gaming addiction, excessive Internet use also online gambling problems. Youth with deficiencies in ability to express, read also elicit desired emotions may be more prone to partake in online-addiction-behaviours.


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