
Presentations and reports are customs of conversing ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, a presentation holds the speaker's personality better and allows immediate interaction between all the participants.

Presentation is recognized for its excellence in intellectuals, offering Bachelor of Science, Associate of Science, Associate of Arts, and official document programs through a number of delivery methods to suit the individual student’s wants At Presentation College students obtain first-rate instruction with low student to teacher ratios, permitting the students to excel socially as well as rationally in small welcoming classroom settings.





  • Content- 它包括人们所需的信息。但是,与以读者自身的速度阅读的报告不同,演示文稿必须说明听众一口气可以吸引的信息。
  • 结构- 它具有理性的开始,中间和结尾。它必须安排好和节奏,以便观众能够理解它。尽管报告有附录和脚注来指导读者,但演讲者必须注意从演示文稿的要点从巡回演出时就不会失去观众。
  • Packaging- 必须井井有条。一份报告可以重新阅读并跳过部分,但是在演讲中,观众处于演讲者的宽大处理。
  • 人类元素— A good presentation will be keep in mind much more than a good report because it has a person attached to it. However, you must still investigate the audience's requirements to determine if they would be superior met if a report was sent instead.





声音量: the purpose of the volume is o describe that “How loud the sound is”. The objective is to be heard without shouting. Good speakers inferior their voice to draw the audience in, and elevate it to make a point.


音高水平: How high or low a note is while the presentation. Like for an example some people has a high voice, other one has a moderate voice, while the third one has a low voice.



Your body correspond diverse impressions to the audience. People not only listen to you, they also observe you. Slouching indicates to them that you are indifferent or you do not care though you may care a great deal! On the other hand, exhibit good posture tells your audience that you know what you are doing and you care deeply about it. Also, a good posture helps you to speak more plainly and effectual.

Create Active listening towards the audience



Always permit time at the conclusion of the presentation for questions. After attractive questions, do not rush ahead if no one asks a question. silence for about 6 seconds to agree to the audience to gather their thoughts. When a question is asked, replicate the question to make sure that everyone heard it.

How to prepare a presentation?

To arrange the presentation some point are need to be follow

•Who will be going to attend the presentation?



Always try being entertaining: Speeches of presenter should be entertaining and instructive.

尝试放慢脚步: Deliberately slow your speech down and add pauses for emphasis.

Always make an Eye Contact with audience: In the presentation always try tom atch eye contact with everyone in the room.


项目您的声音准备: Projecting your voice doesn’t mean shouting, rather standing up directly and letting your voice reverberate on the air in your lungs rather than in the throat to produce a clearer sound.


Use effective sentence like “That’s a Good Question”:您可以使用诸如“这是一个非常好的问题”之类的声明,或者“我很高兴您问我”,为自己购买一些片刻来分类您的反应。

Try to Come Early and become really early:当人们来供您讲话时,请不要与PowerPoint拼字或放置投影仪。


Don’t Apologize without any mistake:道歉只有在您犯了错误的情况下才有帮助。不要用它们来借口​​缺乏技能或在观众面前谦虚。

Always try to Have Fun and make fun: With a little practice you can insert your ardor for a subject into your presentations.

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