Online Preparation For SAT Exam: Admission Dream In US

SAT is a standardized test for getting admissions at college in the United States. The SAT is owned, published, and conducted by the College Board which is a nonprofit organization in the United States. This test is conducted to assess a student's readiness for college. The College Board conducts SAT examination in a view to provide opportunities to students of various countries who deserve and wants to engage themselves in their future studies with students of developing or developed countries. Expertsmind provides you exam preparation that helps you to fulfill your dreams of studying in a good US college. We provide test materials and test series to students for preparation. We provide full guidance and teaching to students regarding all type of questions in exams.

1. SAT Reasoning Test provides three hours and twenty minutes for students to finish.

2.它包括三个部分——数学、critical reading and writing

3. SAT subject tests provides one hour to a students and is based on specific subject knowledge.

4. Test fees would costs $49 ($75 International) which excludes late fees.

5. Combining test results from all three 800-point sections, SAT scores of a student range from 600 to 2400

Test Pattern

1. SAT comprises 10 sections in total.

2.The first section consists of a 25-minute essay.

3. Sections from two to seven are 25-minute sections and sections eight and nine are 20-minute sections each.

4. Finally, the last section is a 10-minute multiple-choice sections.

We at Expertsmind aim at 100% selection of a student. We provide all the guidance and lectures to the students. Flexible hours are the extra advantage to student as student can book the session as per his/her ease. Exam preparation is made easy with the help of online examination preparation.

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