



  • 提前几周开始作业,给自己足够的时间完成任务
  • Check due date and submit at least a day or two earlier than the deadline.
  • Double check if you have created the file in the correct format required.
  • Make sure you have saved the file in the correct file extension.
  • 每当您准备提交支票时,您都选择了正确的打印或发送电子邮件中的附件。
  • 如果您在提交作业后收到确认电子邮件,请不要忘记保存该电子邮件。您可能需要它以备将来参考。
  • If some technical issues arise with your computer, contact Student services and support.

Assignments can seem like a daunting task added to your usual study workload. But to get good grades assignments are the best place to score in coursework. Furthermore, throughout the school year, you will receive tips and pointers on how to complete assignments. The following guidelines will help you further just before submitting your assignments.

Read and Verify



Sitting down to read the job in one sitting will be very hard. So divide and conquer. Don't do it all together at the last minute. Prior to submission read the assignment paying attention to the meaning of each and every sentence. Make sure the idea you are presenting is clear and concise. Only while re-reading you might realize you have presented an idea in the wrong way. Also sometimes you might have written unclear sentences leading to misinterpretation by the professor. It is better to recheck and fix these mistakes to avoid lower grades.

Focus on Quality:

Usually, students end up presenting quality work with the wrong data to support the theory. So it is always necessary to recheck the number calculations, equations, positive, negative symbols in your supporting data. If there are any mistakes in them, you need to fix it right away. Any assignment submitted with wrong supporting data will be considered incorrect, and you will end up losing the grades. Therefore check at signs and symbols as well as any equations present in your assignment.


斯图dents often focus on submitting an excellent presentation that they forget the most basic things. Page numbers can be a very helpful and necessary tool for all your hard work. The best way to avoid this error is to add a header and footer to the document. You can include the date and title in the header and the page numbers in the footer. If you are submitting the hard copy, you can check if you have arranged the pages correctly.

Bind safe: Once you have completed the assignment the next step is to think about how you are going to present your work. Hard copies must be submitted in a proper compiled and bound format. For this, you need to make sure all the pages are arranged in the correct order. Any disarrangement in the pages will cost you your grades so please be careful in this aspect.

Official requirements:

Last but not least please check with your course requirements as to whether if any forms needs to be attached along with your assignments. Finally following the above tips will help you finish your assignment successfully.


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