It Is Needed To Enhance Education To America's Rural Areas

Should rural people be allowed same educational opportunities as urban people?

Does our location often dictate quality of our education? In rural areas of Latin America education is extremely poor. Is it faulting of government, teachers, amount of available materials, or apathy on part of people? This goal of this literature search was to identify problems with rural education in Latin America also highlight how those problems can be solved.

Rural vs. Urban Economics:



2) In Latin America quality of education depends on where one lives.



Providing quality education to Latin America's rural areas:


At present, governments are directing better resources towards education particularly to primary education, thanks to their rising incomes. Private sector is hammering in more capital too particularly in higher education, responding to a more open also competitive environment. It is all happening while a healthy vulnerable middle class rises up, eager for progress from poverty.

However, progress is slow also educational resources also spending is still far below necessary levels. Funds in region are invested inadequately also are not being funnelled into projects to improve quality of education. For example: in Butean regions of Peru, regional governments receive direct transfers from taxes collected on local oil also mining operations. Some of these regions are sitting on huge piles of cash, however very little of surplus is invested adequately. Visualize what could be achieved if this surplus was directed into education?

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Regional governments however are trying to break status quo also have come up with voucher systems, which could have a significant impact. Voucher systems rely on investment of private partners to provide education to young graduates from poorest rural areas.

目前,它参与了秘鲁的这样的代金券计划,名为Beca 18-,该计划为从秘鲁的偏远地区也波动的高中毕业生提供职业职业。但是,当前的潜力受到效率低下的限制,因为必须确定学生,在其偏远的家乡也选择了评估,然后选定的候选人必须搬到城市地点,甚至必须搬到海岸的资本。

It can only be imagining how far initiatives such as Beca 18 could extend if they were paired with scalable processes also most advanced learning technologies. Candidates from most remote areas could be educated in their own communities also could achieve same levels of proficiency as middle class urban students.



Other Solutions:

Other solutions do exist - it has suggested that teachers be held responsible to their local communities, especially in rural villages. His suggestion stems from problem that in many villages in Mexico, school teacher is unreliable, habitually not showing up for classes. Communities would provide textbooks also instruction guides for teacher also teacher would adjust school schedules so that attendance will improve (changing school times or school days so that students may help their family with farming) also teacher is reliant upon community for support also salary. Another study proposes community classes which are organized where children live. One Tutor is in charge of upwards of thirty students in a multi grade classroom. This approach, similar to Escuela Nueva, limits amount of teachers required, although teacher quality is taken care of as these teachers have left secondary school also have been trained in this formal program. Both of programs listed above attempt to bridge a gap between teachers also community, hoping to gain support also recognition from all parties involved.



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  • 博客
    Demelza-7/19/2016 12:44:04 AM

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