

The relations between Australia and US have always been vibrant right from the time after World War 1 till the president ship of Barack Obama. Their allies and Co-operations in sectors like defence, economic, academics and people-to-people ties have been remarkable in the past. However, with Donald Trump seated on the president post, there has been a little rift between Australia and US.

The strategic dependence of Australia over US for army troops in war has not been hidden from anyone. Following the decision of immigration ban, Australia fears being a Co-target with US. The immigration ban prevents people from seven Muslim countries to enter US and Australia thinks that these countries in their revenge might target Australia as well for being a part of the US Army in defence against them. This however has not been the star issue in widening the gap between the two nations. Major rift was seen when President Trump called the refugee swap deal "dumb".

Donald Trump being not in much favour of the resettlement plan signed by Barack Obama to allow refugees from Australia in US, tweeted about the same a few days back calling it the worst deal ever after a telephonic conversation with the Australian prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, which did not turn out really well. According to the report of a Washington Post, Trump accused Australia of exporting "next Boston bombers" under this ally.

过去两个国家的条约和盟友都和谐。H. W. Bush之后的所有总统都同意并尊重与澳大利亚的联系,并赞成同意。过去,在越南战争问题上看到了一点裂痕。然而,据说这比过去的任何摩擦都要糟。据报道,特朗普总统和马尔科姆·特恩布尔之间的电话定于持续一个小时。在他们开始讨论叙利亚这样的主题之后,特朗普决定将其简短至25分钟。另一份报告指出,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Puttin)和墨西哥总统恩里克·佩纳·尼托(Enrique Pena Nieto)对特朗普和特恩布尔之间的呼吁表现出愤怒和失望。但是,特恩布尔拒绝确认该报告。

Australia being one from the Five Eyes group of the best intelligence sharing network in the world, how this rift will affect the sharing between these two nations is a big question.


Resettlement deal signed by Obama said that US will help around 1250 asylum seekers who are held in offshore processing camps in Papua New Guinea and Nauru and Australia in return would help refugees from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Calling this deal "dumb", Trump also said he would want to study it again.

Immigration ban on the other hand affected travellers from those seven countries in Australia as well leading to a rage spread in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. How far will Australia would want to take it after the statements of Donald Trump over the mentioned allies?

一些非常古老的政治分析人士也分析了situation after the acrimonious call between Trump and Turnbull and have stated that previous rifts between the nations were made in the name of foreign policy niceties. The matter got worse when Trump tweeted about the same just when both the nations were hit with the conversation headlines.

According to a report, Trump had agreed to honour the deal earlier as said by White House spokesperson Sean Spider and US embassy in Australia. Turnbull on the other hand agreed to Trump's statement that he would have never made this deal, but he still wants to question if Trump would decide to stick to his own commitments. Turnbull also said in a report that the telephonic conversation between him and the president of US was candid and denied to reveal any further details.

The new laws made in the name of safety are actually making the nation safe or will turn out to be disastrous can only be left to be figured out in future. Religion has always had an impact on the politics, and seeing immigration ban as a severe political mistake is obvious in the current scenario.

Though many sources suggest that Australia would want to part its ways and break the ties with US in near future, nothing can be surely stated here. Malcolm Turnbull said to the media that he would support Australia in all possible ways and will take a stand for his people. Does this mean that Australia and US won't have the same healthy friendship again? Many such questions are yet to be answered, but results are not expected to be positive.

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