How to Deal With Exam Stress?

Exam stress is always consider as feeling out of control and nervous all day long.The tension may be of updated for all answers which leads to triggers reactions and feeling ill-tempered. This may turn into problems like unable to eat or sleep properly. In today’s world exams are a necessity. It creates a lot of pressure on people to succeed. Although this article can't make the exams fly away but it will hopefully support you to cope with some of the stress that you might be feeling so it turn will permit your focus on exams only.


• Feeling very tired.
• Have fear attacks
• Have itchy skin rashes
• Having colds and flu


Discuss your problems :Avoid Bottle them up! Sharing your problem may be great relief .Mostly people under stress don't want to have conversation about their problems because they are scared of being overwhelmed and may loss control of their feelings. But someone among family or friends may help you to realise why you are feeling so, and may find way out of it. You may also avail counselling services as speaking about problems is strength – not Weakness!!

Breathing techniques:Stress may leads to breathing very quickly, or make your heart beat faster than normal. In such condition, sit comfortably, and place one hand on your stomach and count how quickly you are breathing. Now start taking a deep breath and begin counting steadily. Breathe out gradually and make it last of the breath in five seconds. Do this until you are unable to do it naturally.


How to deal with exam?

进行修订时间表:在考试开始之前开始准备。您应该设定现实的目标并包括休息间隔 - 获取一些新鲜的空气,并在学习时让窗户打开。
Use books,:notes and essays user-friendly make their headings, highlighted and revision cards.
Choose revises method:找出您舒适的例程。可以独自一人或与朋友在一起,可能在清晨或深夜;短或更长的会议,音乐或没有音乐。
Take help:如果您什么都不了解,请帮助老师,父母/护理人员或朋友。
Get plenty of Sleep :您的大脑需要时间来处理您迄今已阅读的信息。Sleep有助于重新激发大脑,以便为未来的一天做好准备。
Practice, practice, practice:进行练习测试,您可以自己做到并给予成绩。
Take Healthy food:avoid calorie and fast food. Take foods high in omega 3 as this is great brain food such as flaxseeds and dry nuts.
Avoid depending on Caffeine:(例如,咖啡,茶,咖啡因,红牛),因为它只会为您提供短暂的提升和依赖。这些产品使您感到低迷,也会阻碍您的睡眠,并且也可能能够集中精力。最好定期休息,睡个好觉和运动。
避免抢劫:the night before an exam. Insist have a good night sleep and wake up earlier so that you can read notes rather than studying at night
Give yourself time to Relax:做一些减轻紧张情绪并喜欢的事情 - 看电视,听音乐,读书或可能散步。

On the day of the exam:

• Take your breakfast as it act as fuel for concentration.
• Reach for the examination before time.
•把所有设备ent you want in exam, (pens, pencils, bottle of water, a snack and tissues.)
• Should go to the toilet!


How to have positive mind-set?

• It is only exam not some kidnap or murder to be fear of.
• Believe it as an opportunity to display what you know.
• Exams are not end that proofs your capacity.

How do eat smarter In Exams?

Consume vitamin and mineral diet。Food contains Iron and B vitamins for physical and mental energy necessary to study well. Iron- foods include red meat, cereals and spinach. Foods having contain B vitamins include whole-grains, wheat germ, eggs and nuts.
定期服用食物。Eating at regular meals helps keep nutrient and energy levels high.Emphasis on smaller meals like toast spread with peanut butter, or a piece of fruit.
2344_2.jpgIn breakfast have a bowl of cereal with milk and a piece of fruit would do the trick. Or also can have a cereal bar with milk. Some quick breakfast ideas are -Banana ranks high among the best foods you can eat for your brain. The natural sugars in fruit provides clean energy, then you don’t feel the crash that follows consumption of refined sugar.
Have powerful vegetables.Those are darker in the colour, the higher the concentration of nutrients. For example, spinach, bell peppers, broccoli and sweet potatoes.
Be well hydrated-咖啡因和糖应保持在最低限度,相当于2/2.5杯。更好的选择包括水,果汁,牛奶和抗氧化剂。


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