How to Crack MCAT

Preparing for MCAT



The test is divided into four sections. It includes:

i. Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

ii. Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills


iv. Psychological, Social and Biological Foundations of Behaviour

它还包括一个由两篇论文组成的写作部分。这篇文章使考试变得有趣,因为它要求学生写自己的兴趣。学生可以选择他们想做的问题。根据美国医学院协会(AAMC)的说法,学生只需要在95分钟内回答59个问题。这种新变革使学生有益于学生,因为他们现在有更多时间解决他们想要的问题。它还为学生提供了更多的阅读时间,选择问题并做出决定。总体而言,内容全都与3Es有关 - 解释,详细和评估。



- 模拟测试:这些总是派上用场。它可以帮助学生为重要的一天做准备。就像准备大型足球或篮球比赛一样,学生们也需要大量的MCAT练习。模拟测试的分数显示了学生的立场以及需要改进的部分。模拟测试可帮助学生评估他们的准备。

- Don't cramp up: it's not advisable to memorise everything by heart. In fact, this leads to more confusion and stress on the mind. There are sections in MCAT, which need to tackle with a good learning process and understanding. Evaluation and reasoning are required. It cannot be in achieved overnight.

- Text Books: hit the library. Grab college textbooks and sit down. Go through the pages. Scribble notes. Take help from a peer, tutor or guide if one is having difficulty. Overall, textbooks contain all the information that one is looking for and proves very much useful.

- 获得教练:学习指南一直证明其价值。它们可以帮助您加强弱点并提高自己的优势。向导,导师和教练在MCAT有多年的经验。

- Flash Cards: students can write formulas or small notes on flash cards. It can be used when one is walking or taking a break. Students can also put the flash cards aside once they have grasped the concept.

- Sleep: students should not deprive themselves off sleep. The mind and body need rest so it's important to sleep for a few hours then start again.

- Smile: remember to smile. As it relaxes the tensed facial muscles. Plus, it brightens up the mood.

- Friends take a few minutes to greet friends and family. A change in routine always works out positively. Then one can get back to their books.

饮食:学生不应该忘记吃。的生化需氧量y and mind need fuel, and this is where food comes in. Avoid fast foods and carbonated drinks. Opt for sandwiches, teas, water and juices.

- 步行:学生应该花时间散步。整天坐在桌子旁,带着一堆书,使身体紧张而生病。为了更安全,更健康,请短暂散步。它会使血液流动,没有脚踝肿胀!

- Short Breaks: It's important for students to take short breaks to stretch their muscles and get fresh air. It relaxes and brightens up the mind.

- Don't panic: remain calm and continue with the preparation. Students should not panic themselves by looking at and stressing about what others are doing and how they are organising themselves. This leads one to panic. Studying and achieving is important, but there are also other things in life. So it's best to keep the live balanced.

Preparation makes the students comfortable with the test. But it sure doesn't relax them. In fact, it has been observed that students sitting for MCAT are nervous and jumpy. They are not confident at all even though they have been preparing for months. This happens to everyone no matter what exam they are sitting for. It is the mind and body's defence mechanism. After the exam, there is a sense of calmness and accomplishment that at least they got it as far as sitting for the test! MCAT score is important. Many students couldn't make it in the first attempt, but that doesn't mean that they stopped trying. They went through tutorials, more months of grasping and finally they grasped it. So, a student should not get depressed or start thinking of oneself as a failure. Go for the exam again and ace it. Practice makes a person perfect; that's why the emphasis is placed on mock tests and exams. It helps polish the individual and helps in achieving their goals. Nowadays, there are lots of books available with previous questions. The internet is also helpful, but books regarded as better tools.

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