Donald Trump faces major tech company backlash over travel ban

Donald Trump faces major tech company backlash over travel ban

In last few months, current president of The United States of America, Donald Trump have been flashing through the headlines. He did not gain popularity just for his victory in the elections, but also is famous for controversies over his statements and decisions. One amongst them, the latest one in the news these days is "immigration ban" which suspends entry into the United States, as immigrants and non-immigrants, of people from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen for 90 days from the date of the order. The countries were not named in that order, but the names were provided by the administration later on.

It did not just offend religions or countries, but tech companies in the USA are also facing a hard time following the declaration of this ban. Over 100 tech companies are standing in opposition of the ban and also fighting for the 90 days expanded period.



尽管科技公司正面临麻烦并公开反对这项禁令,但商人总裁唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)尚未对这些公司表示任何反对。他宁愿说,该禁令不是针对特定宗教的,而是安全禁令。作为领导者,他表现出对他的人民和国家的关注,并且是这一决定背后的动机。尽管许多人对这一决定感到失望,包括全球各国总统,但唐纳德·特朗普说,移民禁令是一个正确的决定,并没有从中启动。此外,巴基斯坦,阿富汗,沙特阿拉伯和埃及免除了禁令。

总统还说,难民被禁止the mentioned countries are a source of terror in the US. In his defence, he also mentioned about Obama administration identifying them as the same.

The ban is only for refugees and people are asked to leave the nation for an expanded period of 90 days, Trump adds that these people will get access to the nation after this period. He places safety of his nation above religion while speaking of the issue. He also voices his concern and empathy with people in Syria and says that they will support them the way they have been doing after the security measures taken for the nation. Canadian president on the other hand invites refugees in their country for staying and working. There is massive chaos and unrest due to the uncertainty of the fate of hundreds of people. Whether the immigrants be patient enough to wait for the fate of this order or not, there is a strong negative sentiment in the country and it's just a matter of time before the consequences of this order start reflecting on the economy.

Apart from tech companies, other sectors of the nation are also affected equally. Companies like Chobani, a yogurt company and Levi Strauss and Co., a jeans company have also made to the list. These companies have strong ties with immigrants. Where Chobani employees 300 refugees, both of these are founded by immigrants themselves to start with.

在持续的事情中,这些公司并不是唯一面临麻烦的公司,像Hameed Khalid Darweesh这样的人也经历了艰难的时期。从2003年,他在与伊拉克打交道的同时,他从2003年成为一名翻译开始,在战后拖拉了受伤的士兵。这些值得获得奖励的人被移民官员在机场拘留。直到美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)代表他提起诉讼,而法院则作出了支持移民的决定,并向只有有效签证的人暂时逗留。在社区中如此出色的例子中,人类知道敌人不是穆斯林或基督徒,真正的敌人是极端主义。


Just reminding all of you of the lines said by John Kennedy "Let us not seek the republican answer or the democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past, let us accept our own responsibility for the future."

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