
人力资源规划与发展> >绩效评估




绩效考核是指员工通过其额外的努力和在团队内的出色表现而获得的一种货币收益,这种收益被称为奖励。奖励系统是大脑结构中引入、控制和诱导具有积极作用的员工行为的n个利益的集合。奖励有助于加强和创造员工内部的活力。报酬与工作环境直接相关。如果商业环境在变化,它会极大地影响奖励政策和实践,因为商业环境是一个人花费大部分时间工作的地方,这在一个人的生活中是非常重要的。良好的人类活动应该有良好的环境。环境对工作有很大的影响在商业中有两种类型的环境那就是内部和外部。内部环境描述的是企业和工作场所的内部行为,这些行为与周围的人有关,周围的人的行为,财务方面的金钱,企业内部需要的材料,机器需要完成任务,最重要的是管理,谁可以控制活动和业务。所以这一行总共需要五种不同的东西。 Now let me describe these things which come in internal environment: The management who manages the business and controls the people if the environment will change then there will be an impact in the reward policies as well because the management if not taking care of the workplace will not be able to give good business to the company so the goal will get affect and there will be a high impact on reward policies. People if not co-ordinate and respond nicely and work properly it will impact the policies whether it’s a reward or anything else because people are the key assets in many organization and an organization depends on them for achieving the goal and if the goal does not get achieved there will be impact in reward system very highly. If the money and income in terms of profit does not come as per expected then there will be an impact in reward policies. If the machinery is not available as per required then there will be a high impact in the work and there will be an impact in reward policies because the purpose will remain incomplete which highly will impact these policy systems. The behavior when changes for example if our Management or team members then there will be a huge impact in the policy.

工资单制度是指雇主定期向雇员支付工资的一种形式,它可以在雇主和雇员之间的合同中明确规定。它与计件工资相比较,在计件工资中,每个工作、小时或其他单位是单独支付的,而不是按周期支付。工资是固定的,按月支付或按合同规定定期支付。这与绩效无关,但奖励与绩效相关,是一种额外的福利形式。其中,奖励可以是监视的和非监视的,但工资和薪酬系统(工资)被定义为一种监视形式。奖励理论概述了员工的绩效、额外的努力和与之相关的利益。它基本上是一种目标设定理论,目标设定是实现目标的驱动力。它基本上是为了人类和他们的工作动机。这些点定义的几个可能的雇员在工作场所,因为这些都是公司的目标,公司基本上寻找它的成就如果没有业务就没有成就怎样的员工都期待的高利润和高工资,因为如果有一个巨大的变化the organization there will be a change also entire organization whoever are related to it in any terms and policies so the reduction in the payroll packages will exist. There will be a change in the huge term because for an organization the most important thing is to achieve the goal and the purpose for which it exists and that will only be complete if there will be a result positively in all aspects. If they focus on goals and achievements and do not get result accordingly then there will be a change. It is to have a control on their free times. Any benefit that received by an employee from an employer which is not part of the compensation package that is salary or payroll for the specific purpose of attracting to the company as well as retaining and motivating to the employees to perform consistent better and better is called non monetary reward example: appreciation mails, discount coupons gifts etc . Apart from these the reward theories are reinforcement theory, social learning theory and expectancy theory where low and top managers use different tactics and strategy in terms of reward and recognition to achieve a defined objective and goals for the organization. From the Maslow’s Hierarchy theory, two factors related with the implication part and it is a connection of motivation, mental health of an employees and the environment of work. Maslow’s theory suggests that employees look for psychological needs most which include achievement, recognition, advancement, reward benefits, responsibility and the job nature that matters a lot in an employees work. From Maslow’s Hierarchy needs, the incentive is a great reward for an employee to the way of satisfaction. The above three needs that is Self actualization, ego status, belonging is directly related to the motivation part and the last two is a hygiene factors that is safety and basic needs which also satisfy and make the employee stick and stable to an organization. The link between power and trust or honesty is based on the practices and policies and policies and practices depend on these two terms. If the employees are working and providing solutions on time working with full efforts and full interest and showing their skills in terms of work then they are getting good policies from the organization from which they feel more positive and more motivated in the work place as they also feel to work more and they respect the organization also and its policies as well and feel to continue with it till the day they want to relate with work so see how these matter a lot in organization.

