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静电是那个重要的领域物理或科学涉及固定电荷的特性和现象,或者不加速的电荷缓慢电荷。这个世界上几乎每个人都以电力作为力量而闻名。按下开关将打开灯泡或电加热器。在所有这些过程中,能量都会不断产生。电流通过连接到电力电源的导电金属电线携带。电流不过是移动电子的流动。但是现在您可能会想到电子是否流过传导电线,为什么我们看不到它们,这是因为电子的大小很小,并且它们在不干扰其物理结构电子的情况下流过传导材料,而是因为创建了这种力,称为电力,将电子沿着电线推动。带电的粒子可能是移动的或固定的,但是带电粒子上的电力是相同的,无论它是固定的还是移动的。在静电学中,我们将研究作用于固定电荷的电力以及物质对这些力的影响。与引力相同,仅当两个带电粒子被真空分离时,才存在吸引力的电力。 The electrostatic force also follows the same inverse square variation with distance as the gravitational force. However, gravitational and electrostatic forces are not the same; there exist some differences between them. There are two very important differences between electrostatic and gravitational forces. The first difference is that in case of gravitational force, the nature of the force acting between two masses is always attractive, whereas in case of electrostatic forces, as charges may be positive or negative and we know that same kind of charges repel each other and opposite charges attract, so the nature of force may be attractive or repulsive. The second difference is that electrostatic forces are much stronger as compared to gravitational forces on an atomic scale. Coulomb's law is the fundamental equation of electrostatics which describes the force between two point charges which are separated by vacuum. According to Coulomb's law the magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point electric charges which are denoted by Q1和问2与每个电荷幅度的乘积成正比,并且与一个半径等于分隔两个电荷的球体的表面积成反比。库仑的力F由

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